First phase of shoe press conversion PM 5 finished
DREWSEN SPEZIALPAPIERE has modernised the press section of its PM 5 with the installation of a Smarnip shoe press. This was the first, and most significant phase, of a two-stage conversion concept.
In addition to the key objective of optimizing the production of low weight specialty paper grades, the rebuild targeted improvements in energy efficiency and the reduction of CO2 emissions. The installation was completed on schedule by the Italian paper machinery manufacturer PMT SRL, and the performance of the rebuilt PM 5 was increased well within the planned timeframe. The full, increased capacity of the paper machine will be achieved after the completion of the second conversion phase, with further modernisation of the press and pre-drying section in summer 2020.
With this multi-million Euro investment, DREWSEN has taken another important step towards expanding its market position for Thermal Base Papers, Thin Printing and Label Papers, Barrier Papers for food packaging, and moreover, papers manufactured to replace plastic.